Wikipedia Composite of three mirrored images sized for banner use by Worldguru.Academy. image1 image2 image3
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Image1: Last Chance Stampede and Fair 2012 by: SheltieBoy from USA License: CC BY 2.0
Image2: Beach of CancĂșn by: Seyed Ataollah Safiizadeh License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Image3: The Stoney Creek Bridge by: David R. Spencer License: CC BY-SA 3.0at Wikipedia
Source map from Wikipedia map cropped, changed water color, changed country color, labeled features, applied WGA branding.
Source map was a detailed Robinson-projection of the world SVG map ...License: Public Domain source map by: Canuckguy
Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Canada United States Mexico 1 2 3  Ottawa, Canada  Washington DC, United States  Mexico City, Mexico Central America North American Union www.Worldguru.Academy
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    • Spell Country
  1. Ottawa?
  2. Washington DC?
  3. Mexico City?

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